Photo Gallery now Online!
All Hail Discordians,
Let’s take a moment to hail Cosmic Dom – who built the website, budgeted the show, ordered many of the crowdfund perks, oversaw their postage, erected the *#@!* projection scaffold, had his shoulder wept upon, and indulged in many an all-nighter with a spreadsheet. All for the love of Bob and an occasional sandwich.
Now he’s been at it again – and updated the website to include a gorgeous gallery of pics by Jonathan Greet, a fantastic collaborators page (phew-eee, what a fine bunch) and many other tweaks and twiddles. Please take a look! Are you there grinning ear to ear, off your Discordian chops on Pure Bob?
Finally, a plea – did you write a review/ post/ testimonal about your Cosmic Trigger experience? If so, would you be so kind as to send a link for inclusion on the website? Reviews
Or has your trigger been pulled, resulting in an extraordinary stream of synchronicity and creativity that you are currently chasing? Better let us know about that too. We’ll report in to Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre and link to it on our Cosmic Tentacles web-tab.
Here’s one: Kate Genevieve has created an illustrated record of the dreams folk had in Liverpool the night after the show… The Oneiric Archives
Toodle pip til next time.
PS. If you await news on T-Shirts, it’s a-comin’
xx xxx Daisy