Fool’s Night Update
Greetings, Cosmic Compadres,
‘Meesh’ here. Hope all is well in your various multiverses and reality tunnels.
Massive thanks to everyone who trusted sufficiently in The Crazy to come along to The Gathering of the Cosmic Fools on November 23rd. It was a bit of a full-on one, which is just as well, as that was kind of the plan. After all the talks, video clips, rosehip wishes, animal noises, candles, dancing and omming, there’s now a plan for the plan for the next leg in our Cosmic Trigger-inspired adventuring – which we’re hoping will be fun and heroic enough that you will all want to be in on it. You can read all about it HERE.
So, we have celebrated The Fool archetype from whence all potty capers do materialise, and next up is The World (also known as The Universe). Because, as all good Discordians already know – the deepest occult knowledge of all is The Doctrine of the Reversed Tarot…
This next one is where we wake up to our reality. Oh God Noooo.
So, on the weekend of Saturday January 23rd 2016, we will be gathering somewhere in NW London, to begin making good on our promise to get the play to Santa Cruz, USA, by July 23rd 2017, following a second UK run. We will do this by putting our heads together and getting to work on the practicalities, as well as coming up with ways to keep it Heroic / Magical / Capertastic.
We will need all kinds of help. Good job so many of you lot are proper amazing. If you’re interested in joining us – just reply to this email. Or if you have any good contacts/ideas/lofts full of cash to help us on our merry way, it’d be fab if you could let us know by the 23rd.
Also on this day will be the signing of The Cosmic Book of True Will for all those foolish enough to tell Goddess your Plans. You write your intention in this book, sign it (in something akin to blood) and achieve it by July 23rd 2016 – but if any one of us fails – WE BURN THE BOOK! No pressure, then.
Until then, KLF – Keep Lasagne Flying
Meesh (with a bit of interfering from Daisy) xx xxx
PS Huge thanks to Beccy Strong (Liverpool Ishtar) for the fab photos!