Ho Ho Hail Eris!
An update for the Cosmically Enthused
Hail n that you marvellous cosmic types,
Firstly a quick update for the as-yet uninitiated:
Plan is to stage an adaptation of Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson, with scenes from Illuminatus! woven through, as well as a dramatised peek backstage at the original Liverpool production (directed by my dad, Ken Campbell). To be funded by crowd, staged by enthusiasts and encircled within a festival of Higher Intelligence. We’ve had a successful read-through of the first draft, done a talk with some scenes WATCH HERE and folk have started sending in money, despite not yet launching an official crowd-funding campaign…
Right, consider yourself initiated. And when you send in your £23 or $23 you will also become a Discordian Pope. And if you’re already a Discordian Pope, then I’m excommunicating you until you cough up.
And for those of you who are Popes, here’s what’s happening:
All I can say is this show seems to want to happen, and bad. I’m surfing wave after wave of good will around this project, and please, keep the support coming….
So, the big news is we have the option on the rights from the Wilson and Shea estates! – Heartfelt thanks to Christina Wilson and Mike Shea for their permission to proceed with this adventure.
And we are days away from a production website. Thanks go to Dom, Gary and Bobby for this.
We have a production company: “This Book Changed my Life Productions”, for projects in the genre of impossible to adapt, non-fiction life-changers. Thanks, Greg.
And we have more offers of help than you can shake a stick at. Thanks to Michelle for collating all these offers. We will be gathering one and all when the time is ripe for Britain’s Got Cosmic Talent – an open-door audition event for artists, musicians, actors, mystics and ontological guerrillas who feel they simply must be involved. We agree! This event will be repeated when we get ourselves Stateside…
I’ve been on a crowd-funding masterclass, gleaned many good tips and have a filmmaker on board to make the campaign video. Thank you, Nic.
Thanks too to Nick and Tom for their help with spreading the word.
We have a date and venue for our next jamboree: Liverpool AirSpace 22-23rd February (follow link for some readings from Illuminatus from Liverpool actors). More talks, more scenes, more John Higgs, and songs for a Cosmic musical number or two – thanks to Richard who is on a roll. This will go up on YouTube for those who can’t be there live.
And I am working on some really special rewards for the crowd-funding push (which we hope to launch in April):
- an exclusive, never-before-heard interview with Shea and Wilson backstage at the NT
- Ken Campbell box-set of recordings of his one-man-shows – not previously available!
- The audio recording of the original Illuminatus! production
All beautifully presented in collectors’ editions – oh yeah baby. Thanks to Nadia and Scott for help with this. This is subject to being able to clear all the relevant rights. Ah, bureaucracy…
And all this is thanks to the donations you have made so far – extra special thanks to Nina and Monk!
Donating before we launch the crowd-funding campaign will get you on the guest list to an exclusive after-show party – only available to the Inner Circle of early supporters.
I’m going to ground for January, to get this darn second draft written, so please forgive me if I’m even slower than usual in replying to your emails. And if you see me on Twitter, boot me off.
I’ll send a quick note when the website is up and running, and there will be contact details on there for other members of the team to contact if you want to get involved.
One other way you might wish to help is to put together a bit of research for me while I’m writing the second draft. I’ll give you a subject and you condense what you discover into an easy-digest page or two. If that appeals, then email with the subject RESEARCH HELP.
See you on the other side.
May you achieve Pure Slack this Christmas.
xx xxx Daisy