All Hail Discordians,
Happy 23rd!
…but only with all your incredible support! We are thrilled to report that there is a lot of love for Bob out there, and the particular strand of magick that he tapped into is still alive and well…
Thank you O Frabjous Fnords
Some of you helped by generously donating to our crowd-fund; some with actual blood, sweat and tears; some by performing/ speaking/ exhibiting in The Cosmic Trigger Experience; and many by turning up to see the show and get your trigger pulled proper. We thank you all.
Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt??
We are planning another run of Cosmic Trigger T-shirts (as proudly sported by Oliver Senton, above). If you would like one, please reply to daisy@cosmictriggerplay.com so we can order the right amount (no T-shirt wasters, please). They will retail at £15, and the money will go towards re-filling the Cosmic Coffers.
Future Triggers
We are currently exploring all sorts of Cosmic tentacles – and hope to be announcing some very exciting news soon… For more information, consult your pineal gland (and we might email in case).
Meanwhile, Keep on Triggerin’
xx xxx Daisy