To be entered at your peril!
for we invoke thee psychology of Chapel Perilous and yee shall leave either paranoid or agnostic!
Sun 23/11/14, 11:23am – 23:23pm (and far beyond)
The Counsel ov Testifiers
Adrian Reynolds
Robert Wells
Greg Sams
Johnny Allen
Salena Godden
Thomas Calderbank
Claudia Boulton
Horton Jupiter
Lisa Lovebucket
Other Testifiers will be sought…!
Adrian Reynolds
Adrian Reynolds is a writer whose work includes TV, short films, webcomics, prose, etc. He found a copy of the Illuminatus trilogy in an Oxfam shop when he was 17, kicking off a journey including extensive NLP training, and seemingly magical adventures with a Maori healer, a Yorkshire shaman, Gurdjieff work, and sundry pagans. He is also performing “Press When Illuminated” in the Avant Garden.
Robert Wells
Robert Wells. Educated Oxford, Cambridge, Wood Green. Composer of Suite for an Unplayed Game (2012). Member of the Cumberland Lawn Frisbee Tree Golf Club. Actor, under the pseudonym Robert Waters. Creator of the game Musical Chinese Whispers. Co-author of the movie Point Blank. Milliner to the stars. Master of audio and designer of sound. One of the17. Sculptor of dead bicycles. Enormous cock.
He will be performing extracts from Ken Campbell’s Hail Eris, partly as re-constructive archaeology, but mostly as an act of exorcism.
Greg Sams
In 1966 Greg Sams had an accident that left him wheelchair-bound. This was the start of a journey that lead him to pioneer natural foods in the UK; he opened Seed macrobiotic restaurant in Paddington at the age of 19, and invented the original VegeBurger in 1982. In 1990 Greg moved out of food and into fractals, founding Strange Attractions – the world’s only shop ever dedicated to chaos theory. He has written two books: Uncommon Sense – the State is Out of Date; and Sun of gOd. Greg is one of our key note speakers.
Johnny Allen
John ‘Dolphin’ Allen, author, poet, playwright, inventor, conceiver and co-founder of the Biosphere 2 project – the world’s largest laboratory for global ecology. Allen began the first manned Biosphere test experiment in September 1988, residing in the almost fully recyclable closed ecological system environment for three days and setting a world record at that time. He is currently the Chairman of Global Ecotechnics Corporation. John is one of our key note speakers.
Salena Godden
Salena Godden is ‘The doyenne of the spoken word scene’, ‘The Mae West madam of the salon’, and ‘everything the Daily Mail is terrified of’. She is a poet who performs he work internationally, and appears on BBC as a guest of ‘The Verb’, ‘Fact to Fiction’ and ‘The Click’. She works with award winning radio producer Rebecca Maxted, writing and presenting radio documentary’s. Salena will also be reading for us in the Galleria Discordia.
Thomas Calderbank
Born in the Summer of Love, Tom grew up in the Autumn of Apathy, the Winter of our Discontent and the Spring of Hope Eternal. His home whilst on this planet is the little-known hamlet of Lyverpul. As Discordian Pope Muzzlechigg The Mage he hopes to redecorate Chapel Perilous in warmer colours that match your eyes.
Claudia Boulton
Claudia is 40 years a theatre maker. Founder member of Beryl & the Perils, furious feminist fun in the 70’s; With Ken Campbell; Warped first time around Edinburgh, and again with Daisy Campbell at the Drome; 1999 -2000 actor/managed that juggernaut of a show for 15 long weekends.Instead of theatre PHD- toured worldwide as Winnie in Sam Beckett’s Happy Days.
Created the Serpent in Peter Greenaway’s Prop Opera; !00 Objects to Represent the World. Directed Robert Anton Wilson’s, Wilhelm Reich In Hell; and re- wrote Douglas Adams’ So long and Thanks for all the Fish as, Don’t Panic You’re in Bali. In Bali. Now performs Table Top Theatre – classic dramas in short form – for hire.
In addition to her playing Eris, Claudia is also co-producer of Cosmic Trigger Play and Conferestival.
Horton Jupiter
Horton Jupiter was born in and of the 60’s cult ‘The Love Millionaires’, but as a rebellious teen he turned against his upbringing and became resolutely “square”. Upon leaving education (and the cult to which his parents belonged) he launched a career in banking, was fairly successful, and came close to his dream of becoming an ACTUAL millionaire; “Love is for hippies.”
Then it all fell apart during the financial collapse of 1987. At the age of 23 he fnord himself homeless, destitute, and alone. Lost in despair, he fell pray to suicidal thoughts and found himself standing on the Severn Bridge late at night, screaming at the gods.
A lightning bolt struck the bridge next to him – an epiphany! He realised his whole life had been leading to this moment… Perhaps his rebellion had lead him up the garden path… Perhaps he had not only turned on his upbringing but also his inner self, his inner light.
At that moment the newly reborn Horton Jupiter vowed that he would devote his life to leading himself up a different garden path, leading not to despair and hopelessness but to joy and… who could know where. Whatever the outcome, he promised himself that his life would become a constant experiment.
A beautiful young mermaid picked him up, but only because at the previous services she had rolled a dice to decide what action she should take next… they became lovers and she helped his total paradigm shift from go-getting mediocre young stockbroker on the rocks to the person here before you today.
Lisa Lovebucket
Lisa Lovebucket has been writing, designing and producing unnerving, bizarre and confounding publications since she was sixteen years old.
After moving to London 23 years ago, she began organising and hosting music, film, poetry, cabaret and multimedia events and allnighters (including Jah Poetry!, Hail Eris!, All Hail Discordia!, Cephalopodia and The Institute of Unpopular Music – “better than anything else in the whole, entire world” according to the Guardian Guide).
She sought out Ken Campbell after reading page 223 of Cosmic Trigger (aged 23) and thenceforth tumbled slowly at first and then headlong into Chapel Perilous, aided by Israel Regardie’s Middle Pillar, Damanhur’s Personalities Within, Peter J Carroll’s PsyberMagick and Neil Oram’s 24-hour long play The Warp.
She has stood for Parliamentary Election twice (running her campaigns from a retired ambulance); danced outside the gates of Downing Street for 2 hours, 23 minutes under lysergic influence and with full support of the police; formed her own religious organisation (the Church United in the Name of Thinking); acted in The Warp and MI23; won the Poetry Challenge with her performance of The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock; written and performed ‘23’ at Passing Clouds and Glastonbury; adapted part of PKD’s Divine Invasion for the stage; and has spent many happy hours SCUBA diving with sharks, turtles and rays.
She loves many, trusts few, and always paddles her own canoe.