Wilson-related Films & Talk
Sun 23/11/14, 11:23am – 23:23pm (and beyond)
Curated by Nick Helweg-Larsen
“R.A.W on the inside” – a talk by Alistair Fruish
Talk on Damanhur by David Bramwell
“Press When Illuminated” by Adrian Reynolds
Screenings of The Films
Nick Helweg-Larsen
Film Curator
In the early 2000’s Nick was lucky enough to see Robert Anton Wilson lecture three times in America. In 2004 he joined Bob’s online space The Maybe Logic Academy and took several courses with him there. Nick is currently working on a screenplay adaptation of one of his books.
Alistair Fruish
“R.A.W on the inside”
a talk, and an introduction to Alan Moore’s
“Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels”
Alistair began working at ten years old and during gainful employment he has accidentally made bertholite gas (used as a weapon in the first world war). He has delivered lectures to nurses and healthcare professionals about psychoactive substances, hyped records for bands, got creative with hundreds of prisoners (in over thirty prisons) as a writer-in-residence.
He has worked in parks taking money for bowling greens, assisted children with reading difficulties, taught beginners to use computers, and promoted gigs. He has created comic-books with soldiers and children, helped hundreds of people to make films, and has been the founding member of three arts organisations. He has attempted (and failed) to raise half a million pounds to create a modern Olympic Torch, he has written a novel – Kiss My ASBO.
David Bramwell
Damanhur: My adventures with the Alpine Time Travellers
Dr. David Bramwell is a Sony Award winning radio presenter for BBC Radio 3, author of a new book, The No9 Bus to Utopia, and performer of one-man shows. And he has Ken Campbell to thank for all of it. In addition to this talk, David is also appearing as Alan Watts in Cosmic Trigger Play… you can read his longer biography here.
Adrian Reynolds
“Press When Illuminated”
a journey of magic, mental health, medicine & mesmerism
Adrian Reynolds is a writer whose work includes TV, short films, webcomics, prose, etc. He found a copy of the Illuminatus trilogy in an Oxfam shop when he was 17, kicking off a journey including extensive NLP training, and seemingly magical adventures with a Maori healer, a Yorkshire shaman, Gurdjieff work, and sundry pagans.
Adrian’s talk, Press When Illuminated, was acclaimed by Tom Jackson of rawillumination.net, among others. It’s a journey through magic and mental health, medicine and mesmerism, which includes the only documented encounter with Mrs William Burroughs III (a tree), and relates how a goblin initiated a conversion to vegetarianism.
The Films
By or with Robert Anton Wilson
Maybe Logic
Maybe Logic exercises
Wilhelm Reich in Hell
Disinfo 2000
Disinfo interview
With Karl Hess: Subversion
The Vatican / Cocaine / CIA connection
Explains Quantum Physics
Illuminati, Freemasonry and CIA
Prophet’s Conference 2000
Universe contains a maybe
Interview 2001
The “I” in the triangle
Everything is under control
Politicians, peptides and stupidity
Religion for the hell of it
Operation Mindfuck
Animated B.S.
Other Celluloid Treats
Ken Campbell: No Problem (featuring Douglas Adams)
Ken Campbell: Antic Visionary
Antero Ali: To dream of falling upwards
Alan Moore: Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels (not previously screened in its entirety)
Kate Bush: Molly Bloom
Kate Bush: Cloudbusting
James Joyce reading from Finnegans Wake