Cosmic Trigger: The Trailer!

Since it’s the 23rd we thought we’d give you a special gift… da-da-daaa, the Cosmic Trigger trailer. Please give a warm Discordian V-sign to the fantabulous Nic Alderton who has snipped & snapped & flicked & twisted to bring you this glorious three-minute reminder of what you experienced, or what you missed. Also, it’s your last chance to get your Cosmic Trigger T-shirt…
Photo Gallery now Online!

Let’s take a moment to hail Cosmic Dom – who built the website, budgeted the show, ordered many of the crowdfund perks, oversaw their postage, erected the *#@!* projection scaffold, had his shoulder wept upon, and indulged in many an all-nighter with a spreadsheet. All for the love of Bob and an occasional sandwich.
Now he’s been at it again – and updated the website to include a gorgeous gallery of pics by Jonathan Greet, a fantastic collaborators page (phew-eee, what a fine bunch) and many other tweaks and twiddles. Please take a look! Are you there grinning ear to ear, off your Discordian chops on Pure Bob?…

We can’t wait to see you in Liverpool this weekend or in London the week after. Exciting news! If you know you ought to be here in The Pool of Life to Find the Others this weekend, but don’t have the required number of Bio-Survival Tickets (money!), then we are offering FIVE DISCORDIAN BURSARIES! Just reply to this email telling us why you should be pulling your trigger with us this weekend.